June 9, 2010

The End Is Near...

The end is near…

Hi my name is Joe Greco and I am not-so-secretly checking out my wife’s Facebook page to see what people are up to.

Yes. Its true. I have to come clean about this. If I keep it bottled up inside I fear I may one day crack and end up with one of my own pages with status updates like….

“Joe Greco is so bummed tomorrow is Monday!”

“Joe Greco is psyched its Friday”

“Joe Greco is having writer’s block. Ugh!”

Or just as worse I may have to make comments about other people’s posts like…

“OMG congratulations on your little girl. She’s soooo precious! I just wanna squeeze her!”

“I’m so jealous!! Looks like you guys had SO much fun!”

Now do you realize how dire a situation this could become? God forbid I didn’t take this opportunity to talk about this. I’m thankful its not too late to come clean! This desire and societal pressure is beginning to build up inside me like an Icelandic volcano.

One of my loyal readers succumbed to the pressures that is Facebook. It was a shocking announcement from a guy I always thought would steer clear of all things "social networking." It might not have been necessary had he had a blog of his own at the time. He collapsed under the pressure and, quite frankly, as I am now learning its hard to blame the kid.

Facebook pressure is building up steam. I can hear it coming around the bend and chugging along. My only fear is that it comes to a stop and I hear the “Aaaaall aboooard!”

“Joe Greco is finished with his new blog! Can’t wait to post it!!”


KCheb said...

Come on Greco... you know you want to. It'll make you feel SO good.

Matt D said...

It was a weak moment I'll regret for the rest of my life. The Facebook machine is not for people like you and I. Keep on the straight and narrow and if someone wants to know what you're doing or how you're feeling...they'll call (or beep) you.
Good post.