October 1, 2010

Can Someone Please Explain...

1) Why the elderly do not have to retest for their drivers licenses once they get to a certain age? This really shouldn’t even be up for debate.

2) Why we don’t just legalize marijuana and tax the hell out’ve it and put billions of dollars back into the economy? People use it anyway. Just give in and legalize it. Colorado will be happy.

3) How the hell someone can ride a bike with no hands? Every time I see someone doing this it astonishes me. There has to be magic involved.

4) How a fax machine works so efficiently?

5) Why the President and/or World Leaders wont just do what they think is right instead of doing what they feel the public wants. You were voted in for a reason. Right or wrong. Just be decisive and lead.

6) Why we do not allow the people of Puerto Rico (this reminded me of The Three Amigos when Steve Martin says “The people of Santo Poco…!”) to vote in the presidential elections yet the president governs them? That makes no sense.

7) How the Empire State Building was built in, give or take, a year? In a time when there was no such thing as CAD, computers and plotters. That’s a feat that doesn’t get enough play.

8) Why Israel gets in trouble for defending themselves?

9) The point of learning script anymore? Just do away with it altogether. It’s been a long time coming.

10) Why we still consider Columbus to be the person that “discovered” America when he arrived and there were already people here? He might’ve put us on the map, literally and figuratively, but he didn’t actually discover anything.

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