September 3, 2015

A Tribute

June 6, 2011 I walked into the doors of Brazen Athletics as a member and what ensued was a whirlwind of life changing attitudes, experiences and friendships. One experience in particular I want to point out as it directly relates to the meaning behind this blog.
I was in Boston watching the Northeast Regionals at a time when about 37 people gave a shit about watching competitive exercise. I spent some time with longtime friend, Rick Buro, whom I had not seen in a while, and he told me he was opening his own gym in a month. I was floored. Quite honestly, and he knows this, I was impressed.
I’m still impressed.
It’s now 2015 and here I am. Sitting on my couch thinking out loud. Thinking about how unbelievable it is that I’m in the process of writing a blog with an announcement of my own.
I’m opening my own gym. Sorry. Let me revise…
I’m opening my own gym!!!
So where does this blog go from here? Not sure. My fingers are shaking in both excitement and nerves. Grammar and punctuation are now at serious risk and I’m not going to apologize for it. After all, I’m opening my own gym…
…and it’s called Tribute Strength

January 14, 2015

Open Your Door

"Deep down inside that's why I was so emotional yesterday. That's why when I was by myself I had tears in my eyes." - Constantly Learning

In the days prior and shortly after writing that blog I had a ton of people ask me if I would ever do it again. Not the blog – the triathlon. They knew how hard it was for me both physically and emotionally ‘cause, well, I wrote about how hard it was. My answer was always a resounding “absolutely...”

Some called me crazy while others called me a jackass. Despite the fact I may agree with them I’d rather make note those that said things like, “awesome,” “good for you,” and “more power to you.”

I’m a firm believer that if you are going to ask others do something than you better damn well be willing to do them yourself. I’m in the part-time business of asking others to do things that challenge them. Do things that force themselves to face fears. Fears that can be as simple as raising their hand in class amongst a group of people or as commonly frightening as climbing to the rafters of a warehouse with nothing but 20’ of time and space in between them and ¾” floor mats.

That being said, training for the 26th Annual starts tomorrow and if there is one person out there that finds the fact that I am facing an “ultimate fear” inspiring then the second I shut the door on that challenge is the second I’ve shut the door on that one person…

…even if that one person is me.