March 2, 2011

Driveway Bus Stop Lunacy

This little rant can be filed under the category of Long Time Coming. Why now you may wonder? Well this morning it smacked me right in the face and I feel the need to fight back. And as we all know mature people use words. However, I don’t use words. I use blogs…

I’ve had enough of the lazy child generation. Done. I said it.

Let me first clarify by stating I have some laziness in me so I’m not writing this from the top of my mountain. In fact, I’m writing this from behind my cubicle on my lunch break. Alas, I did ride bikes. I did play sports. I did roll around in the grass. I did get dirty. I did get injured. I did live outside 300 days of the year. Its what kids do and sadly i
t’s not what kids do today.

Want to know what else kids don’t do?

They don’t walk to bus stops!

They have their frigging bus pick them up at the end of their driveway. This has gone on long enough. I’ve had it. I was behind a bus today that stopped at 4 different homes in less than ¼ of a mile picking up kids. Yes. Less than ¼ of a mile. Do you mean to tell me these kids could not meet at one central street corner to be picked up?

Its nauseating. It’s lazy. It’s a product of today’s over-protective society and it’s gone entirely too far. The lack of bus stop is a microcosm of all things wrong with the world.

Yes I said it. All you parents out there that have children who succumb to this nonsense are participating in worldly-wrongdoing…worldly-wrongdoing I tell you!

I bet the same family that allows their 2 precious children to “catch the bus” from their driveway also have the little green men at the end of their driveway as well…

…There. I’ve got that off my chest. Thanks for your time.

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