May 17, 2011

A Man

Every now and again you come across a photo that evokes a particular reaction. Be it fear, anger, sadness, regret or something entirely different, there is always an initial reaction.

This particular photo is one of many for me but its one that tops the list.

I’d be surprised if there is anyone who isn’t familiar with this photo or at least doesn’t find it recognizable. 

I’m not sure there is a 9/11 news story or documentary produced that I have not seen. Personally, I make an effort to watch as many as I can and I'd say 90% of them end up including this photo in some terribly sad montage.

My reaction?

I don’t cry. At least not initially.

I don’t get angry. At least not initially.

I don’t get scared. At least not initially. 

I do, however, find my heart skips a beat. I feel as thought I may get sick for that brief flash in time.

No photo of a complete stranger evicts such a reaction in me quite like this one. Just look at this picture. Look at his eyes. Check that. Look into his eyes.

What do you see? Here’s what I see…

A man shrouded in fear and shock. I see a man running into an unknown. Running towards an unimaginable hell only those present could possibly fathom.

A man with, I imagine, a wife and kids back home. A man who doesn’t do what he does because he’s asked to but a man who does what he does ‘cause his instincts guide him.

A man who knows death is knocking on the door yet finds the strength to keep the door shut long enough to save not himself but others.   

The next time you see someone complain about long lines at the airport, or tight stadium security or any other "invonvenience" in your precious little life think about the man in this picture.

You won't be the only one.

I could go on and on. And I’m quite certain he could’ve as well…

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