June 10, 2011

An Office Space Existence

In an overwhelming show of support from The CrossFit Community since wednesday's blog I have to thank everyone for their kind words. They do mean a lot and I have to specifically thank Brazen Athletics for leading the groundswell both in and out of The Box…pun intended.

The last 48 hours of positivity must be a little bit of a culture shock to my loyal readers whom are used to hearing me rant about things in society that piss me off. Fear not – the anger is still alive and kicking and my opinion can’t be reigned in. However, I can’t deny seeing a ray of sunlight creeping through the clouds.

It’s this particular ray of sunshine, and an email with a friend and fellow CrossFitter from here, which led me to stumble upon the reality that most of us live in an...

Office Space Existence

As I mentioned yesterday, much of the CrossFit appeal lies in the passion the owners and members share to their craft.

It’s impressive. It’s rare. It’s inspiring.

So why does it seem so hard to attain. What about “Doing what you love” is so damn difficult when it should be so damn simple?

It should be basic. It should be instinctive. It should be innate.

Most of the questions can be answered by one phrase that I tend to fully subscribe too, “Life Happens.”  We, as a society, tend to look at “Life” almost as though it's a burden which keeps us from doing what we enjoy. “Life” and all its trappings keeps us from being our happiest. Our most spontaneous. We spend our weeks wishing them away, counting down the days to Friday or the weekend instead of living every day to the fullest.

Why does “Life” get in the way of truly “Living”? They should be one in the same.

It’s not easy. But if you know anything about CrossFit you know that “easy”, along with “can’t”, are left at the door.

Don’t let “Life” get in the way of “Living.”

I admire those that choose not to collect a paycheck sitting amongst a maze of cubicles because that’s what American society not-so-subtly prioritizes. I admire those who choose not to do what is considered “the norm”. I admire them because I have never been able to do that. I am not one who can easily break free from the Office Space Existence.

I admire them for Living Healthy, Happy and Passionately (LHHP) in one Box one WOD at a time.

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