April 8, 2011

Bumper Sticker Anger

I’ve always had a particular disgust for annoying/political statement-style Bumper Stickers. Now that I’ve entered into the Blackberry world (thanks to work and not my personal wealth) I’ve been meaning to take pictures from my car of bumper stickers that drive me crazy and then offer my ever-so-valued opinion.

I haven’t taken said cell phone pics as of yet but I have made mental notes of ones that piss me off. And as such, I present you with the following 5 bumper stickers and the thoughts that run through my head as I read them….

Choice. What a beautiful life. Take that!
(Note: I can not take credit for this creative reversal.
It is borrowed without the express written consent from this person)

 More like: No Jesus. Know Common Sense

Smile. You're a moron.

I hate your Brittany.

I should hope you do. That's like saying, I Love My Wife With No Makeup, but you don't see me bragging about it. If you didn't love your students with autism you'd be an even bigger schmuck than you already are

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