December 2, 2010

The 25 Observations of The Holiday Season: Day 3, The Company Holiday Party

Day 3 – The Company Holiday Party

Each Holiday Season there are several constants. Other than Alcohol Consumption my favorite constant is the Holiday Party. It goes without saying it doesn’t hurt the Holiday Party Fun Factor that these two go hand-in-hand…

(Alcohol and it’s necessary relation to the Holidays is a future blog don’t worry)

Tonight I will be attending my company’s Annual Holiday Party. I’m a sucker for these events because I enjoy dressing up and drinking wine and beer and talking with people I normally would never say a word to. I enjoy the across-the-table uncomfortable conversations with people you would otherwise talk behind their back too.

Another bonus about the Company Holiday Party is the ability to see what your colleagues are like when under the influence. Who’s the crazy dancer? Who’s the one unable to hold their liquor? Who’s the one that breaks free of all inhibition? These are all fascinating studies in the life of the working man or woman.

That being said here’s a sample conversation that may take place tonight

Me: How’s it going, man? Nice little party, no? You’re looking sharp as always. Well done.

Other: Eh. I hate these things. I hate coming to these parties. They’re so lame. Don't ya' think?

Me: Yeah I guess I can see that. Well, Happy Holidays anyway. Cheers, bud.

That’s a quick little snippet of a conversation that may take place. Actually, I guarantee it will take place. Now, let me translate what those words really mean.

Me: I’m only talking to you ‘cause everyone else is busy. Honestly I’m not happy you’re at my table and you look like an idiot. Who dressed you?

Other: Eh. I never liked you and I’m waiting for you to leave me alone so I can get a smoke and talk shit about you.

Me: Happy Holidays you prick.

Bartender – Another round!


Matt D said...

It's like Christmas everyday this month. Keep it going.

Unknown said...

Ain't this the truth! Ur prob having this convo as I type! drink up :)