December 16, 2010

Day 16 - What is it About Christmas Movies

What is it About Christmas Movies...

...that attract a cult-like viewership around the holidays? It’s the one time of the year when you can watch a made for TV movie starring C-List actors about Santa Claus bringing the joy back to a sleepy-town in New Hampshire and find yourself infatuated.

I’m not against “the Lifetime movie” by any means. In fact some really can be entertaining on a take-it-for-what-it’s-worth level. And this is coming from a guy who considers himself a serious movie critic.

I came home the other night to my wife crying and claiming she was watching “the greatest Christmas movie I’ve ever seen” starring Alyssa Milano and Ivan Sergei (of Jack & Jill fame of course) A made for tv movie with average acting and convoluted story-lines and yet she was in tears and I found myself sitting there watching the final 20 minutes as well.

“She’s gonna leave him at the altar I know it!"

Kind’ve embarrassing, no? Nah, I’m not ashamed. Then you have the classic Christmas movies like A Christmas Story which has made Peter Billingsley a very wealthy man and turned the word “Fragile” into a cultural reference. I have noticed less and less of this movie on air though. It used to be played consecutively from December 1 – December 25 on TBS. Now not so much.

The movie that has taken up that spot on air is Elf. I remember when this movie hit the theaters several years back. It was a dud. Laughed at by critics and viewers. Now it seems each and every year it gains more and more of a following. Try clicking on Facebook without seeing the following status update…

“Elf tonight! I like to smile. Smiling’s fun!”

Elf is building up cultural steam much like the leg-lamp in A Christmas Story did way back when. I wonder if my kids will be watching Elf on TBS in 15 years?

As much as Elf truly is a good movie there is one movie that is incomparable to all others. There is one Christmas Movie that stands tallest among a sea of redwoods. A classic in every sense of the word and yet I fear not many in this day and age have actually seen it. I scoffed at it back in the day until I was chained to the couch and forced to watch it.

White Christmas with Bing Crosby, Danny Kay and Rosemary Clooney is a great movie. I was deterred initially by the idea of it being a musical. I’m usually not a musical-movie kind’ve guy. This movie is more than that. Sure there’s some song and dance but it falls within the confines of the storyline quite well. For those that don’t know the movie is about two performers (Bing and Danny) who are WWII veterans that find out their former Sergeant’s B&B isn’t doing very well up in New Hampshire (possibly Vermont) so they make it their goal, along with Clooney and another gal, to bring it back to life. It’s honestly a great movie. Don't knock it 'til you try it.

What can I say? I’m a sucker for the Christmas Movie. All types.

Happy Holidays


Shelly said...

possibly vermont?? definitely vermont! "I hear Vermont if great this time of year. All the snow..." BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME!

Matt D said...

I prefer Fred Claus